
TSA Officers for the 2012 - 2013 school year include:

Mr. President (Mathew Tackels) 

Matthew started TSA his sophomore year, and became hooked from the beginning  He enjoys working with his hands and buildings things. So, when his friends told him about this club he was all for it. He also joined because he knew it would look good on a college application  Matthew is currently in the events Manufacturing Prototype, Dragster Design, Chapter Team, Structual Engineering, and PA Robotics. He plans on going to New England Institute of Technology when high school ends as well. Matthew would like to tell future club members, "to take advantage of all opportunities."

Miss. Vice President (Trisha Cain)
Trisha started TSA last year which was her sophomore year. She joined because she was convinced it would be fun and a great learning experience. This is her second year of TSA and she is currently enrolled in Webmaster, Fashion Design, PA Electronic Research and Experimentation, Photographic Technology, PA Logo Design, Chapter Team, and On Demand Video. Trisha sees herself at an Arts and Science University after high school.  Trisha wants to tell the future TSA club members, "You may think it's boring at first and might think this club isn't for you. But, give it a chance and it might turn out to really be where you belong."

Miss. Secretary (Amanda Weise)

Amanda, has now been in TSA for four years now, and had joined her freshmen year. She heard about it through friends, that TSA was a fun and active club. Then, she decided to join. After high school she plans on going to Keystone college to study Math. She is currently competing in Chapter Team, Engineering Design, Career Comparison, and Materials Processing. The message she’d like to tell future TSA club members is, “If you work hard you can achieve anything in this club”.

Mr. Treasurer  ( Luke Artz )

Luke had joined is Freshmen year, this is currently his second year. He joined because one of  his Tech-Ed teachers advised him too, also he was had an interest in technology so he thought he would try it out, turns out he really enjoys it.  He is currently enrolled in the Engineering Math Test, Chapter Team, Video Game Design, and Structural Design. After high school he plans on majoring in some sort of engineering of computers. His message to any future TSA member is "Stick with TSA. It's not like other clubs. you will have a great time and it will pay off."

Mr. Co-Reporter (Chris Kulp)

Chris has been in TSA for four years, starting in his freshman year. He heard about this club through friends of his and thought it would be a good experience for him. He has done many events including Vex, Website Design, Promotional Graphics, Future Tech Teacher, Ondemand Video and is currently enrolled in Webmester, Vex, Promotional Graphics, Tech Problem solving, and Chapter Team. He is hoping to attend University of Central Florida for Computer Science or Computer Engineering after high school. His advice for future club members is to "stick with it all the way through, because it will definitely be worth your wild."

Mr. Co-Reporter (Kamil)

For Kamil this is his second year in TSA. He joined in his Junior year because he was interested in engineering. He heard about TSA from teachers and several friends. He is currently enrolled in Chapter Team, Vex, Structural, Flight Endurance, Transportation Modeling. After high school he plans on finishing his training as a UAV operator and to become an areospace engineer while doing ROTC. It is his senior year and he would like to go to nationals and go out with a bang. His message to future Tsa members is "Try your best and you will succeed. The only things that matter is your creativity and your willingness to go on no matter the odds."

Mr. Sargent-at-arms (Allen Blakeslee)
Allen is on his fourth year of being a TSA member, and he joined when he was a freshmen. He joined TSA because he heard it was fun, and because it will look good on his resume. He is now in his senior year and he plans on attending Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, in their CAD operating program. After this he wants to obtain a job in the Computer Aided Design field. His goal this year is to place top three at TSA nationals and gain a scholarship that can be obtained from this association. The events he is enrolled in are: Dragster Design, Manufacturing Prototype, Structural Engineering, Robotics and Chapter Team. Last but not least, Allen would like to tell future TSA club members, “To stick with TSA because it will always pay off in the long run”

Mr. Parliamentarian (Alex Peterson)

Alex first came to TSA last year in search of something new in his life. As his second year came around he finally realized that TSA was not only a fun club but a place that helped him find his calling, publlic speaking. Along with his interest in public speaking he still participates in wrestling as well. He's unsure of the general area where he wants to go after high school, but he knows college and public speaking are definitely in his future.

Miss. Historian (Emily Gibbons)
Emily is a Junior this year and has just recently joined TSA. She said she joined this year because it seemed fun and topics for events were interesting. Plus, the chance to meet new people really seemed interesting. After, high school she wants to go to became a Vet or Orthodontist preferably at the University of Pennsylvania. Her events this year are Biotechnology Design, Career Prep, Desktop Publishing and Promotional Graphics. She heard about TSA through her school’s announcements every morning and her friends. Also, one thing she wants to tell the future TSA students of America is, “TSA is fun  and great place to meet new people and that even though the work takes a while it always has a great turn out”.

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