TechEd Program

The Stroudsburg High School Technology Education program is an individualized and specialized activity-based program that is concerned with understanding the evolution, application, and significance of technology. In-depth study is provided in the technical components of communication, power/transportation, manufacturing/construction technologies. Emphasis is given to the application of mathematical and scientific principles. Technological enrichment, career development and technical literacy are provided while broad employability skills are developed. 

Classes offered are the following: 
  • Introduction to Wood Construction Technology
    • This course is designed to teach the student the proper and safe use of all power woodworking machinery. 
  • Introduction to Wood Manufacturing Technology 
    • Students will develop a basic understanding of the design and behavior of structures. 
  • Introduction to Hot Metals Technology
    • This course offers the student the opportunity to develop basic skills in the technologies involved with arc welding, oxy-acetylene welding, and forging. 
  • Introduction to Cold Metals Technology
    • This one-semester course emphasizes studies of the technologies involved with production activities in metal machining, milling and sheet metal forming. 
  • Wood Construction Technology
    • This course provides the student with training in the processes involved in the selection, design and fabrication of a selected project. This also helps he student understand the major importance of the proper and safe operation of all power woodworking machinery.
  • Wood Manufacturing Technology
    • Students would develop a more in-depth understanding of the design and behavior of structures. Through laboratory activities, students will learn how structures are designed, why certain materials are used, how structures withstand loads, and the impacts of structures on societal, biological, and technological systems. 
  • Engineering and Technology Concepts
    • The course will introduce them to technological knowledge that will assist them in making more intelligent career choices. Areas of technology to be explored including the following: enterprise systems, power and energy, materials and processes, control systems, design and fabrication, automation, and communication.
  • Hot and Cold Metals Technology
    • This course is designed to provide in-depth study and skill development in metal fabrication and manufacturing techniques using electric and mixed gas welding technologies, hot metal forging, and metal casting technologies. 
  • Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting
    • Subjects covered would include: the care and use of drafting equipment, lettering, orthographic projection, sections, auxiliaries, pictorials, developments, and computer-aided drawing.
  • Visual Communications Technology
    • This course provides an in-depth study of the most important technologies found in the printing industry: desktop publishing, photo-offset reproduction and screen process printing. 
  • Computer-Aided Drafting and Design
    • This course is appropriate for every student who desires to increase his/her technical knowledge through the use of computers. The course will involve an in-depth study of the following: orthographic projections, sections, auxiliary drawings, pictorials and developments.  
  • Transportation and Power Technology
    • Students will explore different power and transportation systems used throughout history. Steam, rocketry, aviation, and magnetic levitation are some of the systems that will be introduced. 
  • Advanced Fabrication Technology
    • This course will involve experiences designed to develop advanced level skills in the design and manufacture of products. Individual experiences will be provided in design and problem solving, current trends in technology and career opportunities.
  • Project Hovercraft-Integrated Technology Concepts
    • The Project Hovercraft-Integrated Technology Concepts (ITC) program is a one-year program based on team-based master projects. Student teams select a master project from one of the seven technology sectors and then design and build an invention or idea related to the technology sector chosen. Project statements also instruct teams to research the technology sector itself including its nature, history, current events, and career opportunities to further enrich their learning from the project.
  • Photography
    • This course is designed to introduce the student to 35mm, silver halide, and digital photography. Experiences are provided for the student to master the operation of most popular cameras and equipment, film development, and a variety of processes in the printing darkroom. 
  • Architectural Design Technology 
    • Students will design and create the necessary drawings for a residential construction, including a floor plan, basement plan, wall section, elevations, stair detail, fireplace detail, plot plan, and a pictorial rendering.
  • Advance Computer-Aided Drafting and Design
    • This is an advanced computer course dealing with technical problem solving in mechanical drawing. Additional types of drawings will be included such as working drawings, structural drawings, and schematic drawings.