News Media

News media has changed immensely over the past century. The days of the print and press are almost extinct. We used to rely on the news paper that was delivered to our door to get any sort of world wide news.  For local media it could be found in the paper but it was usually known by word of mouth.  One person could say something and it would be told on and on and you would hear of it.  Now though this has changed in some sense.
            Today when we hear of a catastrophic event or of a surprising event what do you do?  I know I turn to the one and only Google and I know I will get the answer. If the news has to deal with someone I know like this person is dating someone where do you go? Most people go to make sure it is Facebook official.  All of our news is at our finger tips now; whether it is on our T.V., or our phone. Through Facebook or on our RSS feed, when someone wants something known it can be world wide in the matter of seconds or minutes.
            Our lives revolve around this media whether it is a star getting caught up in a scandal or just friends talking to someone you know. Times have changed and they will keep on changing and fast. Just think the next time you go on and decide to creep on someone imagine how you could have done that 20 years ago.  It would be almost impossible.
Social media has become of big importance. Sites are used to sharing photos, videos, news updates, meeting new people, and gathering information.  medias have created a whole new world for us. Here are some of the general social networks with user bases larger than the population of many countries.

Pre 1995


Usernets: (1979)

         Usernets was founded in 1979 by Tom Truscott and Sim Ellis. These let users post articles, known as news, to newsgroups. There is no centralized server which sets them apart from most BBS's and Forums. Sites such as Google and yahoo use many conventions made by the original Usenet Systems.

Bulletin Board Systems (BBS): (Late 1970's)

The first BBS was from the late 70's. These were originally hosted on personal computers and users would have to dial in through the host computer's modem. There would only be one person at a time who could access the BBS. BBS's were typically used of illicit or illegal practices although some were legitimate.

Post 1995
Six Degrees
This was launched in 1997 and was the first modern social network. Users would be aloud to create a profile and friend others. At the peak of their popularity they had 1 million users. Six degrees was shut down in 2001 after being purchased for 125 million in the year 2000.
  • The name came from the Degrees Of Separation Concept which allowed friends and family members to certain list.
  • Users could send messages and post bulletins board items to people in their first second and third degrees.
  • One of the first manifestations of social networking.


Photobucket was founded in 2003, this was the first major photo sharing site. Each user would be given 500 MB of source for their photos.
  • Offers free users 2GB of storage space for photos which must be used non commercially, one picture can take up a max of 1 MB.
  • Free users  may upload up to 500 videos
  • It is possible to set Photobucket albums to be set to "private" but some one who knows the URL could access the account anyway


Digg was founded in 2004 by Kevin Rose, Ron Gorodetzky, Jay Adelson, and Owen Byrne. This was used to share photos and personal lives.People could vote on the content as up, "Dig", or down "Bury."
  • News and publishers streams were added with Digg V.4. in August 2012
  • Quantcast estimates that Digg had 3.8 million visits from the U.S. Monthly
  • Sue to Diggs popularity it gave way to copy cat social networking sites
  • started as an experiment in Nov 2004
  • The main function of the site is too let user's discover, share and recommend web content


Facebook is a commonly know social media net work with many of sponsors and members.
  • Facebook was founded in 2004
  • Its purpose is to make the world more connected and social
  • As of December 2012 there are more than 1 billion active users
  • During January 2009 there was a study done that ranked Facebook the most used social networking service by world wide users
  • Membership was originally restricted to Harvard college students.

News Sites


        Cable News Network (CNN) is a U.S. cable news channel that was founded in 1980 by American Ted Turner. CNN was the first channel to provide 24-hour television news coverage, and the first all-news television channel in the United States. It was sometimes referred to as CNN/U.S. to keep it separate from its international, opposite, CNN International. When August 2010 came around, CNN was available in over 100 million U.S. households. Its broadcasting coverage extended to over 890,000 American hotel rooms, viewed in over 212 countries and territories and it was also shown in Canada. Then, starting late 2010, CNN became available in high definition to the viewers of Japan, under the name CNN HD.
       The Cable News Network was launched at 5:00 p.m. EST on Sunday June 1, 1980. Since, the 1980 launch, CNN has expanded its reach to a number of cable and satellite television companies, several websites, and has specialized in closed-circuit channels (such as CNN Airport Network). The Cable News Network company has 36 bureaus, meaning 10 domestic ones and 26 international ones, but more than 900 affiliated local stations, and several regional and foreign-language networks around the world.  CNN wanted to become more know so the company created a second channel known as CNN2. CNN2 was launched on January 1, 1982 and ran continuous for 24-hours on 30-minute broadcasts. CNN2 then became later known as CNN Headline News and “HLN” for short. As for CNN today it is more focused on live news coverage from all over the world and includes personality-based programs, during the evening and Primetime hours.
      Now with the Technological age we have the ability to access news just by accessing their website This has changed the way their news has spread through the world.  From their 5 pm show back in the 80's to the 24x7 availability of the internet where you can access the news you wanna hear about.

Mobile News

News is available portable now a days through our mobile devices like iPhone's, iPad's,  Android's, Black Berries, and Windows Phones. These are apps that you can check for local or world wide news.  These apps also have the ability to tell you the weather. If you need to know something that happened in the news just whip out your phone and abra-ka-dabra the information is right in your hand in the matter of seconds.  This has helped out with spreading news.  I can know something as it happens while on the go rather then hearing about it by someone that has witnessed it either by TV or heard of it on the radio.

The New York Time's 

The New York Time's is a news site/app that allows you to view world wide news on your computer or on the go. It is available on your ...
  • iPad,  iPod, iPhone
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Black Berry
  • Times Reader


ESPN Score Center is an app that allows you to view information on your favorite teams including scores, statistics, teams, and players while on the go. It is available on your..


These apps can go on in lists forever, and sites, newspapers, and radio programs are continuing to advance to keep up with society and the ability to have access to vast amounts of information at just the touch of a button, or now the sound of a voice command. As technology continues to advance, so will the social media and sites that we have become accustomed to, and some depend on, for the information and insights.  We can only begin to imagine where social media may be in the future, from where it has advanced from to what it has now become with many wanting sites to remain the way that they are on the open Internet for the information to all be easily shared.

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