Design Brief: News Media Through the Years

   Social media is the new way of sharing news all  around the world. Whether it be through social networks sharing with friends, social bookmarking websites networking interesting stories to show others.  Social media topics usually lead to research to figure out what someone is talking about and bringing us to news sources, so social media is where it all started.
    Social medias started through talking on the phone. Early social media built "boxes," devices that cold generate tones allowing people to make free calls. The first "blogs/podcast" accessed were called code lines.  Private internet uses were adopted after the year 1994. Before 1994 only universities, the military and government could have internet that was being created by them and the DARPA. Social media has come a long way since the days of the "BBS" and "IRC" chats. Sites will be changed and improved on a daily basis; they aren't just a phase, they will always be around.  Getting and sharing information is now done very easily, and it has really expanded the variety of  information that people have access to.

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